I would like you to know that i'm fine. Better than fine.. I'm grrreat!
I got a new job! The last couple months had been rough on me, but i think it's all turning now. It's closer to where i live, and oh, the money will be waaaaay better than what i used to make. It's also a job where there's actually a chance for me to climb higher in the ranks. So i have 2 days left working for the Biodome (formerly Planetarium, formerly Botanical Gardens..) and as of Monday, i will officially be in training.
And you? What's going on with you? I heard about a new job or something.. i didn't quite understand but i would like to, if you want to tell me.
I found on my computer an old conversation we had a couple years ago. I have no idea exactly when it happened, but it was funny. I miss that, laughing with you. I don't know what happened to you, but you seem so serious now. But again, i might be wrong.. If only you would talk to me once in a while, other than to send me a wink and a smile and disappear when i talk to you..
I hope we will talk again. I really do.
Take care,
Ems. -xxx-
Blue Grey Pumpkins
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